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THE BLUEPRINT: Unpacking the Essential Qualities of a Good Man (Part 1)

Writer's picture: ShalanShalan

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Essential Qualities of a Good Man

Man and Woman back to back

NOTE: Let me start off by saying this. These next few devotionals are sensitive topics in todayā€™s society. Nevertheless, it is imperative that it be discussed. With that being said, the information will be rooted or confirmed in scriptures, The Word of God. I may also use statistical facts, from reliable sources (psychology, science, and other credible resources) to explain certain aspects of these devotionals. For the next several weeks, we will be discussing marriage. To do this, we must start where it all started, with a man and a woman. Each devotional in this BLUEPRINT series will be working its way up to the key to a successful, happy marriage by breaking down its components, just as Jesus did when He was asked about marriage and divorce (Matthew 19:1-11). So, letā€™s get started!

Terms to know; Attributes of a man

Men Praying; Attributes of a man

The Male Man

The first marriage was Adam and Eve in Genesis 2. The final marriage will be when Jesus Christ comes back for His Bride, The Church in Revelation 19:7. We will be starting with the first component of marriage God created, the male Man. The first human God made was a male Man, which is why the male is the foundation, the original blueprint. Read the scripture below.

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27; Attributes of a man

At this point, mankind did not have physical bodies yet. It was not until Genesis 2 that God formed a body for mankind. He created the manā€™s, Adamā€™s, body first from the dust of the earth. Later, in Genesis 2:22, He made the woman (wombed Man) from the manā€™s rib. We will discuss the woman later in this Blueprint devotional series. Read the scripture below.

Genesis 2:5-7

After God formed a body for the man and before he formed the womanā€™s body, He gave Adam a boundary. Read the scriptures below.

Scripture: Genesis 1: 16-17; Attributes of a man

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11-7-12(CEB); Attributes of a man

Notice that the man was so excited about the woman that he is the one that declared verses 23 and 24!

We will discuss that later. The fall of mankind came when the man, Adam, ate from the tree because he is the original blueprint or template. Even Eve, the woman, came from a part of him, his rib. Let me give you this practical example. You use a copy machine to reproduce a document. What happens if that original document has an error on it? Will the reproductions of the original correct itself? Or will all the copies have that same error? All the copies will have the same error. In addition, when you copy copies, especially copies that have been folded, creased, mistakenly marked on, or smudged, the subsequent copies of it often loses its sharpness and have imperfections and blemishes. What can we gain from this? Well, this is a depiction of legacy. If a person is raised in an abusive home, he or she may carry that abusive mentality over to his or her children, unless the decision of salvation and willingness to transform occurs in his or her life. If the original is not right or has not been corrected, the reproductions will not be right either. This is why God sent Jesus to blot out and correct the error of sin with His blood. However, God

Man marrying his bride; Attributes of a man

has given us free will, which means that we can choose to accept or reject that correction. So, the world still struggles within its societies, its generations, its families, its marriages, its individuals because the nations go where the man goes. Since the man is the blueprint for mankind, it is important that we start this series of devotionals with men. Children who grow up with only one of their biological parents (nearly always the mother) are disadvantaged across a broad array of outcomes. The needs of a child are hard to meet, even when a mother is very loving, committed, and caring. Research shows that 92% of the society's problems is due to the absence of a father in the household. Women were not meant to sustain and carry the weight of a family. Women were created to help the man. Remember, God said, ā€œI will make a helper suitable for himā€ in Genesis 2:18. Read the scriptures below.

Scriptures: Ephesians 6:4 (ESV) and Malachi 4:6 (NKJV), Attributes of a man

Letā€™s get some statistics going.

Men sitting in the mountain; Attributes of a man

Children who grow up without their fathers:

  • May come to resent paternal-figures due to perceived rejection.

  • Are more likely to experience deep emotional bond issues than those from a two-parent household.

  • Are more likely to be the victim of physical and/or sexual abuse and neglect compared with those who grow up in a two-parent household.

  • Are twice as likely to be the subject of physical and/or emotional abuse.

  • Result in an increased psychological burden on the child, as he or she must make sense of why his or her father is not present.

  • Usually has a higher body mass indices (BMI).

  • Family structure and the lack of paternal involvement are predictive of juvenile delinquency. The more opportunities a child has to interact with his or her biological father or father figure, the less likely he or she is to commit a crime or have contact with the juvenile justice system.

  • Are more likely to join a gang, possibly resulting from a need for a sense of belonging. Gaining that sense of belonging is an important element for all individuals.

  • Can contribute to a child having more emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression.

  • May have a negative impact on a childā€™s overall academic performance.

  • Are more likely to drop out of school when compared to children who live in a two-parent household.

  • Are four times more likely to be living in poverty. Often children with an absent father also have less networking connections to aid them in the working world.

  • Are at a greater risk for abusing alcohol and other drugs.

These burdens extend beyond to the childā€™s mother.

In a marriage, the man is to treat his wife (his bride) as Christ treats His bride. The

Husband removing his wife's shoes

Bible gives a specific description of how a woman is supposed to conduct her life. We will delve into that later in this devotional series. Jesus Christā€™s life was an example of how we should live, especially men. Here are some scriptures to help us depict the characteristics of a Godly man and husband. Read the scriptures below.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (ESV); Attributes of a man

Scripture: 1 Kings 2:1-4; Attributes of a man

Davidā€™s Instructions for Manhood

David was declared a man after Godā€™s heart in 1 Samuel 13:14. David past on the above instructions to his son. David not only told his son to be a man, he told him what to do to be one.

  1. Know Godā€™s Word, Obey Godā€™s Word, Share Godā€™s Word. First, we need to recognize that David is giving sound, godly guidance to Solomon, which is a characteristic of a godly man. A righteous man is righteous because he adheres to and shares Godā€™s

Word. He can only do this if HE KNOWS Godā€™s Word. David exhibits this in this scripture; I will give you another example of this. Read the scriptures below.

Scriture: Genesis 2:15-18 and 3:1-3; Attributes of a man

How did Eve know not to touch the tree of knowledge of good and evil? She was not around until God formed her from Adamā€™s rib in Genesis 2:21. God gave Adam instructions and Adam passed it on to Eve.

1. Observe and follow the will of the Lord your God. Notice that David said ā€œā€¦the Lord your God.ā€ The term Lord means master or ruler. A lord rule over you. There is a difference between accepting Christ as your Savior and accepting Him as your Lord. He is your Savior because you accepted The Invitation of Salvation to be with Him in Heaven. He is your Lord because you have accepted Him as The Ruler over your life through willful submission. David says ā€œā€¦your Godā€ because he has passed down the Word of God to his son; Davidā€™s God is now Solomonā€™s as well.

2. Keep the decrees, commands, regulations, and laws written in the Law of Moses. The term keep means to preserve or to keep alive. Now, we are talking about legacy again. This is not just instructions for Solomon. Davidā€™s intention was for Solomon to pass this down to his children as well.

3. Do all the above in public and behind closed doors. David tells Solomon the key to success. Have you ever known or know of a person that behaves one way in front of an audience of people but conducts himself another way when he assumes that no one is watching? Usually, the adverse conduct is eventually exposed and results in detrimental consequences. David says to follow these instructions so that Solomon will be successful in all he does and wherever he goes.

Characteristics of a Godly Husband

The Cornerstone

A cornerstone forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls. Without it, the building or structure is unstable. Similarly, the man/husband is the cornerstone of a family; he is only as strong as his foundation. His foundation should be God. Ideally, when the husband/the cornerstone rests on God, God is carrying the weight of the entire family! That is the basis of a solid foundation! Otherwise, the husband will eventually crumble under the weight he is to carry, unhinging the entire unit.

Husband kissing his bride; Attributes of a man

This is why prayer is especially important for the husband. Unwarranted devastation may come at his family 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week and can overwhelm and eventually crush the entire household. That is where alcoholism, smoking, and other vices and addictions originate. The husband, the cornerstone of his family, must lead his family in the practice of continual prayer to transfer that weight to God, and leave it at His feet. So, the male Man, father, and husband is the head of the family but not above the family. He is at the bottom, because he was built to carry the weight of his family. It is baffling when a man brags about going to work every day, paying the rent or mortgage, or taking care of his kids. It is his responsibility!

The Protector

The man/husband is a protector, which is why they assume the father role in their marriage and to their children. Again, the husband is the cornerstone of the family and God should be the foundation upon which the cornerstone rests. Remember, Adam declared that a man leaves his mother and father and be united with his wife

Husband embracing his wife

as one in Genesis 2:23-24. He must leave his parents to become a father himself. The trouble that a family face (physical harm to the family, financial burden, mental and emotional harm) is supposed to be filtered through him because he is the shield. This is why the absence of a father figure is detrimental to any individual. At a wedding, a father or father figure usually walks the bride down the aisle and presents her to the groom, just as God presented Eve to Adam. The father ā€œgives his daughter awayā€ to the groom. Essentially, the bride transfers from her birth father or childhood father figure to another father, the groom. This brings us to the next characteristic of a husband.


Father/Abba/Source ā€“ Sustainer of what he produces. A man/husband takes his bride and she becomes his wife. They are joined together to produce a family. That union also may produce children. Whether children are involved or not, that initial

Father kissing his wife's pregnant belly

union starts with a man joining to a woman through marriage. That man's role is to sustain what he chose to create. (God did not force Adam to join to Eve. He chose to, which created the natural order of dating. A man pursues a woman, not the other way around.) Again, the woman switches from one father, her birth or childhood father figure to her husband who will take on the father role of protection, provide or provision, leadership, the priest of his house, and love. This coincides with the next characteristic of a husband.


The man/husband is a provider. He adds to and cultivates growth in his familyā€™s life. He provides all the responsibilities of a father including protection, stability, friendship, support, wisdom, understanding, counsel, vision, love, and unity.

Blueprint/Seed Carrier

The man/husband is the seed carrier, which is why what he does affects his generations of seeds. What a man does in secret is never a secret because it comes out in your seeds. A man's acts of adultery will affect his generations to come. So, men, when you feel the temptation to fall into sin, think of your family, your unborn children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Read the scripture below.

Scripture: Exodus 34:5-7 (NIV); Attributes of a man

Correcting The Fall of Man

Bible verse

Jesus Christ is ā€œThe Redo,ā€ The Redeemer, and The Correction of Adamā€™s first sin, The Fall of Man. God sent Jesus Christ to be born and live on Earth as an example of how we are to live. Jesus came to fix humanity, which is why He chose 12 male disciples. Again, the nation goes where the man goes, which is why men had to be fixed first. Notice, even though Jesus had 12 male disciples, notice He still had women followers (I.e., Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Martha, and Susanna.). I will give you another thought. On average, which gender makes up most of a church, women or men? Church attendance is not usually a problem for women. It is men that usually need more persuasion.

We will end this devotional here and pick up with part 2 of ā€œMen/Husbandsā€. In Part 2, we will discuss the first steps a man should take to resemble the characteristics we have discussed in this BLUEPRINT devotional and address actions women/wives/mothers can take to support men in becoming godly men/husbands and their journey in improving for their families.

Christ made the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the cross for sins that he did not commit, our sins. The toll was too expensive for any of us to pay. Jesus Christ is the reason why we can live eternally in The Kingdom of Heaven with God when we leave this earth. Whether you are a man or woman, if you have already accepted GODā€™S INVITATION for eternal life, be thankful because your debt has been paid! Are you thankful that you have accepted GODā€™S INVITATION for eternal life? I know that I am!


"Good News is coming" sign on a post

If you have not accepted God as Your Lord and Savior, because you need more information about salvation to make your decision, please take the FREE mini course THE INVITATION. Just click the "I Need More Info" button below. It will give you a detailed explanation on why salvation is necessary, how to become saved, and the next step after you accept The Invitation.

If you havenā€™t accepted GODā€™S INVITATION OF SALVATION and want to do so now, earnestly pray this prayer:


I know You love me. I believe You died and rose from the dead for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. I give you my heart and soul. Please be my Savior and Lord. Transform me. I desire to align with Your Will. Thank you for Your faithfulness and Your Love.

It is in Jesusā€™s name I pray.


All of heaven rejoices when one person accepts THE INVITATION to salvation.

~ Luke 15:10

Fireworks Celebration


If you earnestly prayed this prayer, you are now saved! Again, for more information about why we need to be saved, what Godā€™s Salvation means, and the next step after you are saved, take The Invitation course for FREE. This course will Always be FREE for Everyone because The Invitation of Salvation has already been paid! Again, if you are having doubts, take this FREE course as many times as you need and share it with others!

Also, consider enrolling in the Discovering God self-paced course to learn more about who God is. This comprehensive course offers a deep dive into the nature of God and why we all need Him in our lives.

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