4 Reasons Why You Should MOVE ON

We thank You for being You. Open our spiritual eyes and ears and soften our hearts so that we can be more sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. Holy Spirit, speak to us, through us, and on our behalf. Renew our minds so that we can MOVE ON.
It is in Your Son, Jesus’s, mighty name we pray.

Have you ever felt trapped? You look at yourself in the mirror but barely recognize yourself. You’ve compromised your beliefs, your faith, and your self-worth all to be liked by people you know aren’t good for you. Still, you remain on the path to destruction because it seems that it is too late to turn back. You’re in too deep. It happens. You can’t help but relive the hurt you caused by someone you love. The heaviness of regret overtakes you and leaves you stagnant. It happens. You marry the love of your life and envision a beautiful life together, a legacy that will last for generations. Life happens, and you find yourself in your closet sobbing with a decree of divorce in your hands that was served to you at your home in front of your small children. You had no idea that your spouse had built another life with someone else. It happens. The circumstances may not be exact, but we’ve all been there. We could go on and on with this, but we will keep it moving. Here are 4 reasons why you should MOVE ON. Let’s get right into it.
God celebrates each step. Life can be overwhelming, which is why our omniscient God usually gives it to us in phases or steps. Just imagine being at the bottom of a flight of stairs that stretches 100 stories high. Imagine that the bottom is your past. It’s the hurt, the trauma, the betrayal you’ve suffered, the guilt of the pain you’ve caused others, the agony of being ostracized by your spouse, your family and friends, and the despair of listening to the broken record in your head that forces you to keep reliving the treachery you experienced 5 years

ago. Can you see it? What can you gather from this depiction? Well, if we choose to dwell at the bottom of the stairs, we choose to regress by remaining in the traumas of our past. Now, the top of the stairs is the life that God has for you. On the way up is Healing, Peace - several steps later, Contentment - a few steps later, Joy - a few steps after that, Deliverance - some steps later, Purpose - a few steps later, Abundance - a little while after that, and Overflow - after that. So how do you get to the top? (And no, there are no elevators, escalators, or lift supports involved …) Are you just going to leap to the top in a single bound? You could skip a few steps, but that will tire you out in the long run. Plus, skipping steps may cause you to miss some of the consolations that God has for you on the way up. You could sprint up the stairs, but how long would you be able to keep that up. More importantly, you don’t want to rush through what God has for you in the particular seasons of your life. The best way is to steadily take one step at a time, gaining the provisions that God has placed on your timeline to deliver the necessary momentum and stamina to press on to all He has for you. So, take it step by step. What is going on with each step? Each step brings you closer to God’s plans for your life and further away from your past. God celebrates each step similar to how we celebrate our children’s first step.

You only live each second once. So, why waste another second dwelling in the past, holding on to that unhealthy relationship, or wasting your time in a stagnant state? Our past is only good for one thing…Education. We can’t change our past, but we can learn from it to have a better future. When we live in the past, we fail to live for today. As a matter of fact, we miss today because we are operating in autopilot! This breeds depression, hopelessness, and anxiety. MOVE ON! What about that unhealthy relationship? Maybe you don’t know if you are in an unhealthy relationship. Here are ways you can determine this. If the relationship does not glorify God, it is unhealthy, unproductive at best. If a relationship is causing you to sin or compromise your faith, it is an unhealthy relationship. Let’s get logical with this. Think. What do we do with unhealthy things? A tree with an unhealthy branch is cut off so that it does not infect or kill the rest of the tree. When a person has cancer in his/her body, the surgeon cuts out or remove the cancer so that it won’t spread over the entire body. When our hair has split ends we cut it off so that it doesn’t split and break off the healthy hair. You get the point. Why would an unhealthy relationship be any different? An unhealthy relationship drains the life out of you. Yes, it may hurt when you cut ties, but your healing can start, and healthier life can begin…but first, you must MOVE ON! Meaning, take it step by step, one day at a time, putting distance between you and Day 1 after the breakup. Remember, be it wobbly, in tears, or limping, God celebrates the smallest of steps toward Him. Read the scripture below.

When you dwell in the past you destroy your future. Sodom and Gomorrah were two grievously sinful cities. They were so bad that Abraham pleaded to God to spare its population if 10 righteous people were found in the cities. Read it in Genesis Chapter 18 when you get a chance. There were not 10 righteous people in either city. In Genesis Chapter 19, two angels warn Lot that Sodom and Gomorrah and all its residents will be burned to ashes. Lot was instructed to take his family and flee to the mountains, not to stop anywhere else, and not to look back. The angels even told them what would happen if they did, they would get swept away. Well… Lot’s wife looked back. So, she became a pillar of ashes. I gather that the lesson in this story was that when God is instructing you to go somewhere, you don’t hesitate or dwell in what was or what could have been because it could result in your own demise. Also, reliving your past will sweep away your future like Lot’s wife. She looked back to get a glimpse of her past at the cost of her future. Read the scripture below.

You can NEVER get ahead. If you do not MOVE ON from this season of your life, you will remain stuck in that season and never progress. Get a load of this:

Can you see it now? The planet that we live on moves! Everything, including us, are made of atoms. The atoms move! An immobile car causes multiple problems. Physical immobility causes a long list of health issues. Why should our souls, our mentality be any different?
MONDAY – Read or listen to Genesis Chapter 18 and 19.
TUESDAY – Pray asking God to reveal what has you stuck. Make a list of things (including relationships) that are hindering you from reaching a deeper level in your relationship with God. Write down things you need to be free of. List things that are holding you back from an abundant life of gratitude and purpose. Lastly, pray that God renews your mind so that you gain your liberty to everything on that list. Thank God for what He is about to do in your life.😊
WEDNESDAY – Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Now review your list from yesterday. All throughout the Bible, there are scriptures that basically say, “If you will… God will …” For example, “Seek and you will…find.”, “Knock and the door will be …open unto you.”, “Seek God first and foremost and … All good things will be added unto you.”. There are stories in the Bible and people’s real-life testimonies (including mine) that describes that the people or a group of people do something, and God manifests in a mighty way on their behalf. Your breakthroughs, blessings, and favor will happen when a partnership is firmly established between you and God because He wants you to participate in what He is doing, not only for you, but others as well. So, what first step can you take for each item on that list to start your path to freedom? What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? Write it down and pray continuously. Keep that connection with God.
THURSDAY – SUNDAY – Start doing it! Take it one day at a time. This is a process. It will not happen overnight. So, please have faith that you are already delivered because you are. Your mind just has to be transformed to catch up and believe it! Every day and with every step, you get closer to a renewed mind and your freedom and further away from the bondage of a reprobate, inferior mindset.
We are Family. No need to do life alone. We are in this together!
- Shalan

If you have not accepted God as Your Lord and Savior, because you need more information about salvation to make your decision, please take the FREE mini course THE INVITATION. Just click the "I Need More Info" button below. It will give you a detailed explanation on why salvation is necessary, how to become saved, and the next step after you accept The Invitation.
If you haven’t accepted GOD’S INVITATION OF SALVATION and want to do so now, earnestly pray this prayer:
I know You love me. I believe You died and rose from the dead for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. I give you my heart and soul. Please be my Savior and Lord. Transform me. I desire to align with Your Will. Thank you for Your faithfulness and Your Love.
It is in Jesus’s name I pray.
All of heaven rejoices when one person accepts THE INVITATION to salvation.
~ Luke 15:10

If you earnestly prayed this prayer, you are now saved! Again, for more information about why we need to be saved, what God’s Salvation means, and the next step after you are saved, take The Invitation course for FREE. This course will Always be FREE for Everyone because The Invitation of Salvation has already been paid! Again, if you are having doubts, take this FREE course as many times as you need and share it with others!
Also, consider enrolling in the Discovering God self-paced course to learn more about who God is. This comprehensive course offers a deep dive into the nature of God and why we all need Him in our lives.
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